Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Fun CRAZY Weekend

I can't believe that it is Wednesday and I am just now getting around to adding our weekend fun to this blog, but it has taken me that long to recover!
It all started Friday morning. My friend Holly and I went to the cannery and canned jam. It was fun....and I can honestly say that I will never look at a can of Jam again without laughing at the label. Thanks Holly!
After school, we took the kids to Trick or Treat Street....the kids had a great time, but I thought it was way expensive for what it was. (and, worst of all they got too much candy before Halloween, so all they have done since then is eat candy :)

Here are the cute kids at Trick or Treat Street!

On Saturday, John's cute neice had a Halloween party. It was fun and Kylie, I can't believe how much time you spent on this party. Thanks so much! We had a blast.
Look how cute Easton is...and smiling in costume...amazing!
The mummy wrap.....good job Coleton and Hailey, but Easton and Chloe won!

Just thought i'd throw this picture of a wanna be pirate in.

Cookie decorating.
After this party we went straight to the ward party and guess what, the kids ate more sugar! By Sunday, needless to say my kids were on a sugar high and Sacrament Meeting was interesting. Thank heavens for the cute Bishops wife who saved me...and my kids. :)


I'm Mindy. said...

Pure madness!! Wow...such a busy weekend. It does sound like a lot of fun!!!

You guys have a happy halloween!

Kara said...

Busy week! Doesn't it always seem like October flies by!! Where do these next months go!

The Loves said...

That's an awful lot of sugar!! Each year I have thought about trick or treat street, but I always wondered if it was worth it! have a happy Halloween!

Jenni said...

All of that and a week before Halloween! My last two weeks have been about that crazy. I am looking forward to next week, and peace and quiet.

The Winns said...

The kids look great, we got such a kick out of the pictures. We miss you guys!

Brooke said...

Looks like you just had so much fun! The kids look so cute!

The Bliss Family said...

Your kids look so cute in their costumes. Also, I love Hailey's story, very cute!

Beth and Jess said...

So so so cute. I wish we could have been there to see them all in their costumes. Looks like you guys had lots of fun. and there is no such thing as too much candy. I love Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Easton looks so cute! Is he a frog?- Adorable!