Saturday, November 17, 2012

Flag Football

Coleton played Flag Football this fall. I really was not excited for him to play but he wanted to so bad. For some reason the whole football thing stresses me out. Maybe because he is so little and maybe because I know what the time commitment can be, but for some reason I just don't want to do the whole football thing. Anyway, this was actually fun. Coleton of course loved it and he was really good especially at pulling flags. He played with a bunch of his friends from school and that made it fun as well!

Halloween Festivities

We had a fun Halloween this year with all of our traditional festivities. Carving pumpkins, pumpkin stew, homemade root beer, trick or treating with our good friends, pajamas at grandmas along with trading candy with the cousins. This year the cousins made their pj shirts over fall break. It was fun to see how different they all turned out. I loved Easton's. He insisted his said "I am very hungry." Random...yes but oh so smart. He thought he could wear it trick or treating so people would give him more candy. Man he keeps me on my toes!