Monday, January 17, 2011

I am a PROUD parent!

Really? My 3 year old can dress himself with no underwear and backward pants...AWESOME!

Happy 6th Coleton

Coleton turned 6 this month! Coleton is the easiest going, happy to be alive, boy I have ever met. We love you Coleton!!!! On his birthday we had 14 of his closest friends over. We went funny with that many 5 and 6 year olds.

Christmas 2010

We had such a fun Christmas season. I was a slacker with my camera though. I didn't even take pictures on Christmas morning...pathetic. At least John picked up the slack and videoed the whole thing.
Christmas started on Thanksgiving weekend with the Jensen clan. My brother and his family were in town from Hawaii. It was so fun to see them!

In October of this year Hailey asked me point blank about Santa. I just skirted the question until I could talk to John about it. We decided that we needed to answer her so we went into her bedroom to have a talk. John broke the news to her and she just busted up laughing like she had been tricked and it was the funniest joke ever! Then she said, "what about the Easter Bunny?" When we said same thing, she just laughed and laughed. She thought it was hilarious. She has been great with the boys and loved being in on the secret this year! Easton still hates Santa and refused to believe that a man with a scary beard would enter our home at night and leave gifts!

Santa brought Hailey a much wanted and anticipated turtle. I need to take a picture. It is an aquatic turtle she named Pearl. She loves it and tells everyone she sees that she has a pet. Coleton got a wii...well the whole family got it, but he insists it is his. He got video games and a bike. Easton got a whole lot of Thomas stuff.

Hello Basketball

Coleton started basketball this winter. He gets so excited when he makes a basket. Too Cute!

Christmas Programs

Coleton had his Kindergarten Christmas program at the first of December. He did a great job and loved to sing all but one of the songs. He was just a little bit too cool for too-ta-tah!

Easton had his preschool Christmas program as well. How can you not just love this little stinker? He tried so hard to keep his little behind on his chair while being the non-conformist that he is! He did a great job, he had his part memorized and even participated in the singing.