Friday, March 27, 2009

Under Construction!

We have been in the process of transforming the boys' bedroom from a "baby" room to a "big boy" room. One minor problem....we still technically have a baby that sleeps in a crib. (Seriously is 20 months old enough to sleep in a twin bed?)This is the progress we have made so far. Until I am brave enough to take Easton out of the crib, the rest will have to wait.

A year or so ago I found this picture and fell in love with it. The whole room will be centered around this saying.

I need honest opinions because I am not sure if I love the paint. The lower wall is a darker tan than the top..(unless you have eyes like John does and insist that it is practically the same color :0) I painted the whole back wall the darker tan...I am not sure if that is the reason I don't love it. Maybe it would look better all the same...ideas anyone?

On a side note, what mom cannot be proud of this! "Look how much food I can fit in my mouth."


I'm Mindy. said...

Very cute room...I like the contrasting wall!

The Hill's said...

Make sure you never look at my kids rooms because next to your kids' mine looks hideous. I think you're gonna have to give me some pointers.

Jerilee E. said...

I think it looks so cute! My house came with NO paint done at all so I've been wanting to paint since we moved in... I think you may be inspiring me!

Jessica said...

So honestly, I am kind of with John on the paint colors, I can see the difference but there almost isn't a big enough difference. I am not sure you would like my suggestion since it requires repainting but I do like the darker tan on the bottom it - seems to match the bedding better, but I would have done it on the top and maybe do a chocolate brown on the bottom that matches the bedding. Overall I think it is cute and I LOVE that the ladder is on the top bunk which is exactly where Olivia's is too. Don't need any broken bones, especially with Easton being such a climber.

Jessica said...

Also not sure if you have been out there but HomeGoods it is the TJ Max decor store, it is out at Brickyard, has a ton of sports themed decorations and wall accents in those same colors.

Kris and Q said...

I love the cute quote saying and the room is looken good. You always do a very nice job on decorating.

Alice said...

I love the room Holly! So cute, I remember your house here and it was darling, I'm sure your house looks the same there! Great Job!

The Loves said...

I love that picture. I have never seen it before. Where did you find it? The room looks good. Banks was two when I took him out of his crib. It was hard because he was such a great sleeper in it. It was hard on me because it made me think that no crib, meant no more babies. Your kids are so cute. I see a lot of Jensen in them!! - but then I don't know the Winns!!!

Kim said...

So I am also agreeing with John the paint color looks about the same(maybe it is just the pic)! I do think it is adorable though and how fun with the bunk beds. Lauren has been begging for bunk beds she thinks Londyn is big enough for the bottom (is 3 months ok?) :) Anyway Lauren was in a full bed at 18 months and did great. Thank you for the gift card by the way that was very thoughtful.

The Bliss Family said...

I can't really tell the difference between the paint colors either. . . but it does look cute! I have been debating whether or not to put Bella in a big girl bed too. . .are they really that old?!?