Thursday, November 18, 2010


Easton's preschool class sang Halloween songs...Easton didn't really participate, but he loved singing the songs at home. He started out all smiles...

Then he started to get a little moody about the whole thing...

Then he just hid behind his hat...

Then he just got up and went to play in the snow!
Parade at the Elementary School

Our cowgirl, toothless and captain hook getting ready to trick or treat.

This year I was too lazy to MAKE my kids carve pumpkins. Every one of them hate touching the insides, so why make them right? They made these lanterns instead.

....and last of all...John and my favorite part of Halloween....PUMPKIN STEW!


The Loves said...

I need to get your pumpkin stew recipe. My boys have always asked about doing that! Your daughter looks just like you! Coleton looks like chet and your darling little baby looks like his dad! What a darling family you have. I am grateful for blogs so I can stay in touch with people that I miss! You and your Family are the best and were always so nice to me. I'm sad I don't see any of you that much. Have a great Holiday season and tell the family hello!

The Loves said...

One more thing, some friends of yours, the wheelrights, moved into our ward. He said he was really good friends with your husband. We were talking because our new bishop (Jonathon Browning) just moved from out by you. They were both saying how great the both of you were! (like I didn't know)

Jerilee E. said...

wow, that is the most perfect looking pumpkin!
we didn't carve pumpkins, either- so much work :).