Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Our little COLETON has always been the easiest going kid ever. Since the day he was born, he would patiently wait until I was ready to feed him. He was HAPPY to sit in the swing for hours. He potty trained himself a week after he turned 2. He is happy to just go along with whatever is going on as long as the word FUN is involved. I would never have used the word AGGRESSIVE to describe him....that is until he started to play soccer this fall. WOW!!!! Put that kid out on the soccer field and watch him fight for the ball...yikes! He was hilarious to watch. He would literally just put his head down and go right through the group of kids and come out with the ball.
His team was such a cute team. He got to play with several of his friends from school. They were always cheering each other on and so happy to be together. I never thought I would say this about soccer, but I am excited for next season!


I'm Mindy. said...

Wow...Way to go Coleton!

Jerilee E. said...

He is always being so good and nice when I'm around him! I can't really picture him being aggressive- but I CAN imagine him being good at soccer!

G&GJ said...

Really love that kid!

The Loves said...

I didn't know that soccer was so much fun either until Max started playing. I don't know what I like better - max's soccer or Kaige's football! Way to go Coleton!