Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Easton!

When we found out that we were pregnant with you we were surprised and grateful! During the pregnancy there were a few minor complications that sent me to my knees in prayer to find out if you were healthy. The answer that I expected never came. I had an overwhelming feeling that it did not matter if you were healthy or not, but what I needed to know was that the reason you were coming to our family at that specific time was because it was part of Heavenly Fathers plan for you and for our family.
When you were born healthy I was shocked and overwhelmed with gratitude to our Heavenly Father. You have been such a blessing in our lives. You light up the room when you walk in with your twinkling eyes and huge smile. I love the way you stomp your little feet when you get excited, I love that I find cars in every little space all over the house, I love that you escape from nursery with a mission to find your mom, I love the way you get out of bed and play with trains until you are tired and then you fall asleep wherever you happen to be.
You truly are an amazing little person and I am so glad that I get to be your mom!


I'm Mindy. said...

Cant believe he is now two... Seriously time flys. Happy Birthday Easton.

Kris and Q said...

Happy Birthday Easton. Wow he is looking so much more like Coleton. Miss seeing you guys and Kailen says to tell Hailey hi. Its crazy to think our girls are going on to second grade. Time goes quickly.

Kara said...

Wow...I just remember your mom spilling the beans at the family Christmas party!! I can't believe he is two! So dang cute!!

Beth and Jess said...

Happy Birthday Easton. I love the new pictures. And you know noncomformists are my favorite kind of people. :)