Monday, August 17, 2009

A Hail of a Time

What in the world is up with this crazy Utah weather????
The minute it started storming, Coleton and John headed outside to play football with the neighbor boys. The boys always come over to see if John can play. It makes me laugh when 4th & 5th graders show up at our door to play with my husband, but I think John fits right in!


Beth and Jess said...

I LOVE this. So cute and so John. I miss you guys.

Jessica said...

I love it. John is such a good example to those around him and he is fun too. What a great husband you have.

I'm Mindy. said...

What day was that?? That is so great that John plays with them!

hollyw said...

It was Friday....did you guys not get any rain and hail???

Shay Olsen Photography said...

That is awesome!!!!! It's funny how our husbands don't "EVER" really grow up... That is awesome! how are you guys doing? we need to get together and play sometime.... Take care