Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

This year the kids decided...with a bit of make their own valentines. It was so fun. We spent an afternoon making them. Good Memories! Hailey made flower valentines. She didn't love making her own. She is all about getting things done and checking them off her list! Coleton made super hero valentines. He made these pretty much all by himself. We found the pattern off of a website and he did all the cutting, gluing, punching holes, etc. Easton played cars while we made his, but hey his were the most work! He sure was happy to take them to preschool though! (we got all of these ideas off of

Valentine's night we had a "family" candle light dinner. My kids love to do things like this, so it made it really fun. Easton loves to eat dinner by fire! He actually ate a few healthy things without crying. It was fabulous! Thanks for the fun memories kids!