Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Smooth Skating

When I was a little girl I used to spend hours on my roller blades pretending to be an ice skater. I loved skating! John and I went ice skating a few times when when we were dating, but we hadn't been since. Over Christmas break we decided that our kids were all old enough and it would be fun to try out as a family. I am so glad we did because it was so fun!! Even little Easton got the hang of it. Coleton was a bit timid at first, but in true Coleton fashion, he got the hang of it quickly and was off to the races. Hailey had been ice skating once before for a party, so she was already a pro:)I am so happy that my kids love it like I did!


The Loves said...

It was so fun to see you the other night! You are as pretty as ever and have such a darling family. I remember rollerblading with you for hours all around the the neighborhood. I think you are the reason I even bought roller blades.