Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our Haunting Halloween

....haunting only because John had to dress up for work and the man was not very happy about it. Ahahaha!
Our Halloween was very traditional this year...which I love. Sunday night we carved our pumpkins. Every year the kids are so excited to do this and every year they are so grossed out by the insides that it makes me laugh. Hailey tried to use rubber gloves to clean out her pumpkin. Easton would not even get close to a pumpkin with the top off and Coleton...easy tempered Coleton cleaned his out even though he really didn't love it. Hailey and Coleton carved the faces pretty much by themselves this year and they were very proud of the final product.

After many hours on the internet searching for the perfect costume, Hailey decided to be a Southern Belle. She was hilarious all day. She has the perfect southern accent and she used it ALL day! Easton decided on DARF VADER...cuz he's a bad guy...and because I could not find a brown gorilla costume with a huge chest that he could beat on, Coleton decided on DARTH VADER as well. (whatever, they can be the same right???)
Halloween was on a Monday so yes, I did scrub my house. Then Easton and I headed to the school for class parties and the parade.
After the parade we headed to John's work for some good old trick or treating. Then hustled home for our yummy Halloween dinner...pumpkin stew and homemade root beer...and some Papa Murphy's pizza for my picky kids who will not eat the delicious stew!
This picture just shows how mad John was about dressing up. He hates it!
After trick or treating around the neighborhood it was off to grandmas house for some candy swapping fun with the cousins and some new cozy pj's!


I'm Mindy. said...

What fun!!! The costumes are so cute.

Greg and Heather said...

Looks like you had a great time...well, except for John. :)

Beth and Jess said...

That is so perfect for hailey. They all look adorable. Even John. Ha ha ha!!!!