Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Small Sampling of Life Around the Winn Home

We have been enjoying the efforts of our hard work from the garden.
I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes we look like white trash at our house.

Hailey getting the Principles Pride award for always being willing to help others.

Last weekend we took a drive up the canyon to look at the leaves. We had a fun time in between all of the busy-ness we have had lately!

Coleton just finished fall tee ball. He loves it!!!! Blow this picture up and look at his is so worth it.

Eastons speech therapy is going well. He now yells "oly ow" (Holy Cow) all day long. He has graduated from calling John mom. He now calls him "Hun." It is fantastic when he stands up on the bench in church and yells, "HI HUN" at John sitting on the stand. Fabulous! He can pretty much say whatever he wants, he just omits the first consonant sound. Minor details really.


I'm Mindy. said...

I do love Coletons' expression!! So cute. Glad everything is going well for you guys.

Jerilee E. said...

Love the garden picture! Glad we are not the only occasionally white trash people around!

Allred Family said...

I love the garden picture, White Trash happens at our house all the time too!!!! I just blogged about it :) I do LOVE the fall colors, just not this CrAzy Fall weather. So glad Eastons speech therapy is going good, he is so cute!!!!

Beth and Jess said...

I love the fall pictures. I miss fall just not what comes after. They are all getting so big. Way to go Hailey. and Coleton's face is adorable. He is so cute.

Kellie said...

What fun pictures, especially the one of Colton playing baseball... he is really into it :)

The Bliss Family said...

Those are great pictures! Colton's face is perfect, and I always did love it when Bella would yell "Daddy!" every time she noticed Ben on the stand.

Greg and Heather said...

looks like you guys have been busy. i haven't noticed him say that in church and it wouldn't bother me if he did. it's always nice to have a good laugh!

Kris and Q said...

You guys have been busy but it looks like your having a blast. What a cute family and the kids are getting so big. Good job Hailey on your award.