Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Coleton is 7

Coleton turned 7 this month. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday he was this little toe head boy toddling around with a black eye saying "ball" at everything round.
Coleton is as patient and easy going as they come. He is such a good brother. He has a way of just making everyone smile and laugh. Things can be crazy or tense and he just cracks a joke that settles everyone down. He can make anything from doing the dishes to making a bed fun. I am so glad he is part of our family!


Greg and Heather said...

wow! time flies...

Allred Family said...

Wow, i cannot believe he is 7 already, i still remember him as a little 3 yr old, Happy Birthday Coleton!!!!

The Hill's said...

Happy birthday Coleton!! He's such a cute little boy :)