Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas 2011

Our Christmas began at 4:30am when Hailey and Coleton came into our bedroom to see if we could get out of bed yet. Being the awfully mean parents that we are, we made them wait until 6:30am. So for 2 whole torturous hours those two waited patiently, giggling in Hailey's bedroom.

John told the kids that Santa had found our house. Hailey was so excited, she couldn't wait another minute! I think Coleton was ready to go back to bed, and I am not sure that Easton was even fully awake at that point.
Santa brought Easton a "Motorcycle Bike"
Coleton got a 3DS....apparently a DS just isn't good enough for the boy:)
Hailey got a whole lot of Barbie stuff. I have to say that I love that she still likes Barbies. She didn't even like them until she was 8 but she loves them and I love that we haven't graduated to wanting ipods and laptops yet.

After a quick opening gift time, we hurried to get ready for church. Lucky John had to speak in Sacrament Meeting the week before Christmas for our ward conference and on Christmas. Such a lucky guy! I loved driving to church and leaving as a family. I had forgotten what that is like and I never even really think about it but it was so nice on Christmas to drive together!

We broke every Sunday rule we have at our house, but hey it was Christmas. Here are the kids playing outside enjoying their new toys. It was such a nice day and so weird that leaves were still on our trees.