Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Family Time

Over the last little while we have been able to sneak away from everyday "real" life and enjoy each other a bit. One Saturday afternoon, we decided we needed to get away so we drove up to Brighton and walked around a little lake. (I totally forgot what it is called, but it was a neat little place.) I love to just hang back and watch the kids explore and enjoy the small, simple things in life. It makes me feel happy:) It seems like all 3 of these kids are overflowing with personality and I love to just watch it come bubbling out of them when we are together as a family. We have Hailey who is so sure of herself and I am convinced she knows just about everything about every animal on the planet. We would read the little signs around the lake that would tell about different animals and then she would go into more detail, and more detail, and more detail. We have little Coleton who just goes with the flow but interjects his hilarious little comments all the time. The positive way he views everything is amazing to me. Someday I am going to be like that! Then there is Easton who could only slow down to look around if he was in the lead. He needs to be in charge of the situation at all times. He talks to everyone. The whole way around the lake he would stop to talk to whomever we passed, and every time he started the conversation with..."guess what?.....

We also went to the corn maze one evening. I laughed the whole time. Easton again...in the lead. Coleton just doing whatever he felt like at the second, and Hailey trying to analyze every turn and then making a decision that she was totally sure of! I just hung back, held John's hand and loved every second of it.


Kara said...

Hey! I saw the comment you posted on my blog. Sadly I have no idea where I got the pattern in fact I don't know if I had a pattern. I know that I measured how big I wanted it and then just looked at some tutorials online. I did use a cereal bowl for the corners to make them nice and round. They are really easy though and i'm sure if you google it you will find some helpful ones. Sorry I was no help at all. I can't believe that baby is going to be here so soon! So exciting. Keep us posted!