Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Off To School Coleton Goes

Coleton started 4 year old preschool today. Hopefully he takes it semi seriously.

Coleton and his buddies.


I'm Mindy. said...

Haha...that first picture of him is so cute and funny!! Good luck Coleton...!! Preschool is sooo fun.

Kara said...

He is SO cute!! He just has that cute look!! Now you've got two in school. Only one more to go!

Kara said...

He is SO cute!! He just has that cute look!! Now you've got two in school. Only one more to go!

Beth and Jess said...

I love his hair do. He is so cute. I hope preschool went great. Good Luck Coleton

Allred Family said...

Yay for Pre-School!!!!!! He is SO CUTE....what a silly little boy :)

Greg and Heather said...

looks like fun! what a cutie!

The Bliss Family said...

I love that top picture! I can see Nolan being like that. So cute!