Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Way To Go Hailey!

Hailey choreographed and performed a dance for the REFLECTIONS contest at her school, and she won 1st place! Way to go Hailey....We are so proud of you!


I'm Mindy. said...

Well done girly!!

Brooke said...

Nice work Hailey! That is so awesome! Tell her we think she is great!

The Loves said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. She is an amazing girl - just like her mom!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Congratulations Hailey!

Kristine and Ryan said...

That is amazing that she got up and preformed it! That is awesome. First place is GREAT!

The Hill's said...

That is so exciting for her! She is such a cute girl

Kris and Q said...

Way to go Hailey! That is really great and I bet a wonderful site to see.

Anonymous said...

wow! Thats awesome! Good job Hailey!

Beth and Jess said...

Yay Hailey!!!! Congratulations. Wish we could have seen it!!!

The Winns said...

Way to go Hailey! You will have to show us the dance sometime. Love you!