Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pre-Christmas Festivities

We love the holiday season, especially all of the fun traditions that we do as a family. There is just something special about being together! One of our favorite traditions...building gingerbread houses.
Here are our masterpieces:

My pathetic house.., In my defense, I was busy helping the kids, then threw mine together.
Here is John's perfect house. He is so funny about these. He never wants to do it, then he takes his sweet time and his always has to look perfect.
My little non-conformist decided he really wanted to eat his.(I don't know anyone that actually eats these, but whatever makes the child happy.) What was so funny to me is that he hates eating anything new. It usually includes screaming to get him to try something for the first time, but for some reason his house was irresistible!
Easton's final product....delicious!!!

Another one of our favorite traditions is venturing downtown to the temple grounds. The lights are stunning, the nativities are awesome and just walking around the temple with family feels peaceful and sacred.

We also spent time with extended family. I didn't do a great job of taking pictures at these events, but I did get one that is a little funny. Every year my grandma has a breakfast for my dad's side of the family. There are quite a few great grandchildren. We decided to attempt a picture with great grandma and the kid-o's that were at the breakfast. This is the best we could do. Apparently there are so many different personalities in the bunch. Everything from jokers(notice the bunny ears) to covered faces to escape artists!

On Christmas Eve, we always get to open 1 present and SURPRISE it is always...NEW JAMMIES! There is just something cozy about new jammies!
And of course, we have to leave cookies and milk for the jolly fat guy....and as Coleton reminded us this year..."Seriously, leave the man a napkin!"

Friday, December 23, 2011

Easton's Preschool Program

Easton did great at his preschool program this year. He is doing so great in preschool this year. He loves his friends and is happy to go! I was expecting a bit of silliness from the child during the program, but he did really good. He even looked a bit nervous in front of all of the people.
This is his cute friend, Morgan.

His part was "And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof, the prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney St Nickolas came with a bound."

Thanksgiving 2011

John's company was a corporate sponsor of a race on Thanksgiving morning. John and I of course had to run it. :) It was John's first race. He did great even though I think he wanted to kill me for talking the entire race. Apparently, he doesn't appreciate my encouraging remarks.

After the race, we enjoyed Thanksgiving with John's family. The boys played a game of football. John's nephew plays for Lone Peak High and it got a little rough between the two of them. John sustain the biggest, ugliest bruise I have ever seen. Of course, he would never let his nephew know. (Way to tough!!!) And John may have totally taken Richie out once or twice. (OOPS! It wasn't tackle John!)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Principle's Pride Take 2

Hailey earned her Principle Pride Award this week. She received the award for "excellence in reading and math." Unlike Coleton, she actually cared about the award and even wore a dress for the occasion. Her good friend Raegann got the award on the same day. They were super excited to be together. Way to go Hailey!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our Haunting Halloween

....haunting only because John had to dress up for work and the man was not very happy about it. Ahahaha!
Our Halloween was very traditional this year...which I love. Sunday night we carved our pumpkins. Every year the kids are so excited to do this and every year they are so grossed out by the insides that it makes me laugh. Hailey tried to use rubber gloves to clean out her pumpkin. Easton would not even get close to a pumpkin with the top off and Coleton...easy tempered Coleton cleaned his out even though he really didn't love it. Hailey and Coleton carved the faces pretty much by themselves this year and they were very proud of the final product.

After many hours on the internet searching for the perfect costume, Hailey decided to be a Southern Belle. She was hilarious all day. She has the perfect southern accent and she used it ALL day! Easton decided on DARF VADER...cuz he's a bad guy...and because I could not find a brown gorilla costume with a huge chest that he could beat on, Coleton decided on DARTH VADER as well. (whatever, they can be the same right???)
Halloween was on a Monday so yes, I did scrub my house. Then Easton and I headed to the school for class parties and the parade.
After the parade we headed to John's work for some good old trick or treating. Then hustled home for our yummy Halloween dinner...pumpkin stew and homemade root beer...and some Papa Murphy's pizza for my picky kids who will not eat the delicious stew!
This picture just shows how mad John was about dressing up. He hates it!
After trick or treating around the neighborhood it was off to grandmas house for some candy swapping fun with the cousins and some new cozy pj's!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Patch'n it!

Easton got to go to the pumpkin patch with his preschool class. It was a super cute little patch. The kids got to see chickens, do a FARMER dance,
go on a tractor ride, get lost in a corn maze,
listen to a story and pick out a pumpkin!
It was such a fun time. I love to watch Easton with his cute friends. My baby is growing up!!!(sigh)
This year we grew our own little pumpkin patch to enjoy. The kids planted the seeds and made little signs to put by their plants. Luckily each of the plants produced a pumpkin. Way to GROW my little FARMERS!

On a side note: meet PEARL...Hailey's turtle. She stinks, is super ornery, but Hailey and everyone in the family but me loves her.

Principals Pride

Coleton received his first ever Principal's Pride Award this year. He was so funny about getting this. He totally forgot that he had a note telling me about it until 2 hours after school, and then all I got was, "oh Mom... I forgot I got Principal's Pride." After I made a big deal out of it he was super excited for a FEW minutes. Then on Monday evening we were at the dinner table and Coleton said, "Mom I feel excited for Wednesday, but I just can't remember why!" Hee Hee silly boy! He was more excited that I brought him McDonalds for lunch than anything....who cares about the award, bring on the chicken nuggets!
Good Job Coleton! We are so glad you are such a great kid!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

26.2 miles: check!

I ran a marathon! I still cannot believe that I am that stupid...but I guess I am!!!!
(I love this picture. We went to put our arms around each other and then realized how disgustingly sweaty we were....nasty!)

One of the spectators watching the marathon was holding a sign that said, "Running is a mental are all insane." I tell you it is true!!!!

I started running in April all because our Stake was having a 5k and I thought it would be was. Then in June I did a was also fun. I started running with some friends in my neighborhood in the mornings and just kept loving it so I decided to train with them. I love getting up before the sun is up and heading out chatting with friends and watching as the world wakes up. I also love how I feel when I am done running.

We started the race out really fast (for us anyway). We were at mile 16 before the 3hour and 45minute pacer past us. I couldn't believe how fast the miles past. I loved watching all the different ways people run. It was so funny to me, not in a mean way just in an amazed way. Some people run like antelopes, some with literally one foot in front of the other and some let their feet hit the ground so hard I am sure their joints are going to break. I loved looking at the back of people's shirts for the reason they were running. i.e: cancer survivor/26 for my dad .2 for me/in memory of.../ There are a lot of inspiring stories! I also loved the amazing scenery and the hilarious signs people were holding.
At about mile 18 I started to get a bit tired, but by mile 19 I was feeling good. Shortly after mile 19 we saw a girl that was passed out on the pavement. I felt so bad for her. There was a runner that was a doctor assisting her, a shuttle van coming and an ambulance on its way so we went on but after that I think I lost my drive. It made me so sad. To be honest it kind of freaked me out a bit. Here was what looked like a very healthy, young girl completely out on the ground. SO SAD!

Here we are grabbing water at the 24mile aid station. The last two miles seemed like forever to be honest. I just had nothing left. I walked a bunch. One of the last aid stations had baggies of ice. That was heavenly. I chewed the ice and started running again. When I got to the point that I could see the finish line all I could think was, "That was the dumbest thing I have ever done!" I thought I would be so happy when I finished that I would cry, but all I could think was I am never doing that again! I wasn't emotional at all.
I already have changed my mind and I most likely will do another marathon at some point. I really want to do a half because I think it is long enough to really push yourself, but not so long that you might kill yourself!
I have learned so much about life through running. It is amazing to me what you can do if you just push yourself a bit, surround yourself with others that make you happy, and put one foot in front of the other.
Just before I crossed the finish line.

Stats: 4hours 1minute 43 seconds.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kickin it!

With fall comes SOCCER! This year was very interesting to say the least. The league we play in has the first and second graders play together. Last year Coleton played on small fields with no goalies or positions and this year it changed to huge fields with goalies and positions. Our little team of first graders wasn't ready to play against teams that had played on the big fields and already knew positions! I think they lost all but one game! Oh well, they had fun I guess. John keeps telling Coleton that next year they will smoke everyone..and I am sure they will, but I am not sure that makes Coleton feel any better. (He is so competitive when it comes to sports!) Coleton was the high scorer on his team with a grand total of 4 goals. (in 8 games...I tell you it was so hard to watch!) I think that only 2 other kids on his team scored one goal each during the whole season. It was brutal!

Coleton and his good friend Sam

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I admit I am one that is easily shocked with how "glamorous" motherhood can be. After nine and a half years of the glamor I thought I had seen and done it all. Disgusting bums, green snotty noses, need to go on, you get the idea. But, I had a whole new experience the other night. I will give you a had to do with a fettuccine noodle...

and this oh so sweet face.
John wasn't going to be home for dinner...he had his own glamorous night full of meetings, so I decided to make Chicken Alfredo for dinner. The kids love it....John and I, not so much. I was thinking happy and I will just eat a whole lot of junk for dinner after the kids go to bed...wonderful!!!
While the kids were eating I decided to run upstairs to check for an email I had been waiting for. Two seconds later, Hailey starts yelling that Easton was choking, but I heard Easton cry so no big deal! Coleton had patted his back all was well. I had Easton take a drink to which he kept telling me it was still in his "neck". Being the kind and awesome mom I am, I just had him drink a bit more and all is well.
The evening progresses... homework...reading...a whole lot of sneezing from Easton. I think weird, but the kid has allergies like crazy so whatever. I wipe a bit of gross snot and think weird again. I give him some Benadryl because the poor kid just can't stop sneezing. An hour or so after dinner the kids and I were getting ready for bed and Easton lets out a huge sneeze and all the sudden I see this noodle hanging out of his nose. Disgusting!!!! Hailey is standing there gagging, Coleton is rolling on the floor laughing, and I get the lucky job of pulling the noodle...covered in snot mind you...from his nose. SICK! As soon as I get the noodle out Easton says, "Oh that feels so much better mommy!"
The poor kid wasn't kidding when he told me the noodle was still in his "neck."
Note to self...when one of the kids say something is wrong, LISTEN to them!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

...and #3 back to school as well...

Its official...everyone is now "back to school." Bring on the fall schedule! I think cute Coleton is more excited for Easton to go to school this year than anyone. He loved Busy Bees Preschool...especially the teacher! I heard Coleton telling Easton this morning that he was going to have so much fun, the teacher is so fun! etc. etc. etc.
Easton was happy to go. No tears this year! And he was plenty happy when he came out except he said he did a bad job cutting the green paper! (whatever that means;)At least he said he did a good job cutting the pink one so I guess all is well!